Tech History: The ENIAC: How the First Electronic Computer Compares to Modern Machines
Discover the history of ENIAC, the world's first electronic computer, and see how it compares to modern computing power. Learn about its groundbreaking technology and how far computers have come since 1945.

The History of ENIAC: How the First Electronic Computer Compares to Modern Machines
The Birth of Electronic Computing: ENIAC’s Legacy
The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) holds a legendary place in the history of computing. Completing development in 1945 at the University of Pennsylvania, ENIAC was the first general-purpose, programmable electronic computer. It revolutionized technology and paved the way for modern computing. But how does this massive, room-sized machine compare to the sleek, high-powered devices we use today? Let’s take a deep dive into the history of ENIAC and explore its influence on modern computers.
What Was ENIAC?
ENIAC was designed and built by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly to assist the U.S. Army in calculating artillery firing tables during World War II. Before ENIAC, these calculations were done manually or with electromechanical devices, which were slow and prone to errors. The ENIAC was began development in 1941, when John Mauchly began to wonder if electronics could be used to speed up the calculations required for the artillery firing tables. Partnering with Eckert, a research associate at the University of Pennsylvania, the two began to draft and eventually propose an entirely electronic calculating machine that would immensely speed up the calculation times. Construction for the machine began in 1944 under the code name "Project PX."
Key Specifications of ENIAC:
- Size: Covered 1,800 square feet and weighed 30 tons
- Processing Power: 5,000 additions per second
- Memory: No RAM; relied on vacuum tubes and punch cards
- Energy Consumption: 150 kilowatts
- Programming: Rewiring and setting switches manually
ENIAC was a marvel of its time, boasting 17,468 vacuum tubes, 7,200 crystal diodes, 10,000 capacitors, and approximately 5,000,000 hand-soldered joints. However, it required extensive maintenance and rewiring to execute different calculations, making it far from user-friendly by today’s standards.
ENIAC vs. Modern Computers: A Stark Contrast
While ENIAC laid the foundation for computing, modern computers have advanced exponentially. Here’s a comparison between ENIAC and today’s devices:

How ENIAC Changed the World
Despite its limitations, ENIAC demonstrated the potential of electronic computing, influencing subsequent innovations such as:
- The development of stored-program computers (like the UNIVAC)
- The replacement of vacuum tubes with transistors (leading to modern microprocessors)
- The creation of programming languages and software that automated calculations
- The rise of personal computing and mobile technology
Conclusion: From ENIAC to the Future
ENIAC’s invention marked the dawn of the digital age. While its capabilities pale in comparison to modern computing, it was the first step toward the technological advancements we now take for granted. From artificial intelligence to quantum computing, today’s innovations owe their existence to the groundwork laid by early pioneers like ENIAC. As technology continues to evolve, one thing remains certain: computing power will only keep growing at an exponential rate.
Final Thought: The next time you use a smartphone or a laptop, take a moment to appreciate how far we’ve come—from a machine that filled an entire room to one that fits in your pocket.
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